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Eye Floaters In Your Vision

Eye floaters are those small spots that literally float around in your field of vision and sometimes they are paired with flashes of light. Overall, eye floaters are not serious but in rare cases they can be the symptom of a more underlying health condition, so it is important to understand what they are and what can cause them in order to know when to seek medical advice.

Eye Floaters In Your VisionEye floaters can come about as a result of tiny pieces of debris that make their way into the vitreous humour, which is the jelly like fluid that fills the cavity of the eye. Most people who experience floaters will describe them as dots or lines that appear in their vision, usually when they are focusing on something such as a book page or something that has a bright background. In the majority of cases eye floaters do not impair vision but in those cases where they actually block the line of vision, eye floaters can then become quite problematic.

When you first notice eye floaters it is important to get medical advice, even if there is nothing serious, it is better to take preventative measures as anything serious can be caught early. If floaters appear with flashes then this could indicate the retina is being pulled and this if left untreated could even lead to something as drastic as blindness. Changes in size, quantity and intensity must be checked out in order to rule out the possibility of something much more serious.

Eye Floaters Description

Eye Floaters In Your VisionIt is estimated that around seventy percent of people will experience eye floaters at some point in their life. The main cause of such floaters is thought to be due to liquefactions in the vitreus jelly. Age also bring on the development of eye floaters given that collagen fibres present in the vitreus humor thicken as we get old this causing fragments to appear. Other causes of floaters consist of detachment of the retina, inflammation of the vitreus humor and the presence of red blood cells.

Eye floaters can be diagnosed by a qualified optician through examination of the eyes. If any other underlying health condition id detected further treatments can be considered, so it is a good idea to seek medical advice the moment you think you may have eye floaters. Any serious illnesses can be detected and treated if caught early.

In many cases eye floaters can be treated with anti inflammatory medications such as antibiotic drops but in more severe cases, where vision is impaired, laser surgery is often the only option. Laser treatment is very effective but as with any surgery it does carry risks and in the cases of eye floaters, if any goes wrong the eye can become damaged.

More holistic approaches to treat eye floaters are also renowned for their effectiveness. Changes in diet by eliminating those foods which cause imbalances in the body and replacing them with fruits and vegetables can have amazing results when it comes to treating eye floaters. By consuming more vitamin C and drinking more water the overall well being of the individual is improved.

A Healthy Diet Can Help Reduce Eye Floaters

Healthy DietThere are many treatments that are used for eye floaters such as medications, surgery, laser treatment and regular exercise of the eyes. Although they can be effective they are not always successful and living with the condition of eye floaters can become something of a burden. By making some very simple lifestyle changes, living with floaters can become tolerable and in many cases they can actually disappear.

Given that eye floaters generally appear once we reach old age, or at least occurrence is more frequent in those of us above the age of fifty, they are often associated with the break down in the effectiveness of the body’s way of functioning. This is to say that as we age so does our body making us prone to a whole host of complaints and illnesses.

By adopting a healthy lifestyle we can prevent many health complaints from happening or at least keep them at bay. Healthy eating and regular exercise are paramount in maintaining a healthy body. By choosing natural healthy foods over processed fatty and sugary foods we can help improve not only the condition of our health but also maintain a balance in the elements that form our body mass.

Organic fruits and vegetables such as broccoli and lemons can help sustain a healthy balance in the body’s immune system. It is down to the chemical imbalances in our bodies than many illnesses come about and eye floaters are thought to be one of them. Certain foods can help repair damages that have been incurred and prevent them from reoccurring.

Control Eye Floaters With A Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy DietEye floaters can be annoying. Many folks may not even realize they have them but those that do “see” them, they can be distracting and a nuisance. Eye floaters can even cause problems for people driving or who rely on their eyes for work, such as a surgeon, machinist, etc. However, since eye floaters aren’t really considered a serious medical condition, you may struggle to find suitable medication to control or prevent floaters.

Some people do go to the extreme and even opt for surgery. However, this can be a risky operation and the fact that eye floater surgery is not very common, it may be difficult in finding a specialist who is qualified enough to perform such surgery. As with many, many medical conditions, often times it’s a lifestyle change toward the healthy that can help cure, remedy, control or prevent certain conditions of the human body.

If you’re a smoker, quitting smoking will not only benefit your overall well-being, help you live longer, but also may help get rid of your eye floaters. The harmful chemicals in cigarettes can be a major contributing factor to eye floaters. The same goes with drinking too much alcohol. Excessive drinking can cause what’s known as “vitreous humor” which is a gel-like substance in the eye. Also, alcohol causes dehydration which could exacerbate eye floating phenomenon. It’s best to always stay as hydrated as possible. Vitreous humor is 98% water so being dehydrated often can cause it to shrink or lose shape causing floaters.

You’ve heard it a lot, eat healthy foods, rich in vitamins and minerals, anti-oxidants, drink lots of water, get plenty of sleep, don’t smoke and limit your alcohol intake. It not only can help control your eye floater syndrome but make you a healthier, happier you!

Understanding Eye Floaters

Eye Floaters In Your VisionEye floaters are an unusual phenomena. People might say they see organic looking shapes in their field of vision but, they are not really there. Eye floaters therefore can annoy people and while it can be bothersome, it’s not really a medical emergency. Many people have eye floaters and in fact, about half the people over 50 years of age have reported seeing these floaters. People over 70 are even more affected.

So, what are eye floaters then? If they aren’t really there, what is causing us to think we see certain shapes floating around our eyes? Well, even though they are called floaters, they don’t really float. Many folks don’t even realize they have floaters because they often aren’t even visible. Since they don’t float, therefore have a fixed position, the brain tends to block out the image of the floaters. Also, simple backgrounds that are illuminated such as the sky or the sun shining down on a plain surface may make eye floaters more easily visible.

Everyone sees floaters differently however, the most common “shapes” of eye floaters are spots, threads, cobwebs, and fragments. The floaters tend to move within your field of vision and you almost can’t help looking at them. Everytime your eye moves to try and look at the floaters, they appear to slip away and you feel like you’re trying to “catch” the floaters. Remember, these aren’t illusions but are actually within the eyes. Eye floaters are therefore termed “entopic phenomenon”.

While the vast majority of people who experience eye floaters have a harmless “condition”, there are times where floaters can indicate something more serious such as a detached retina. So, if you’re nervous about your eye floaters or feel they are severe, see your doctor and get examined to make sure you don’t have a more serious underlying condition.

What Exactly Are Eye Floaters

What are eye floatersEye floaters, also known as vitreous floaters, are vitreous opacities that usually arise from varied causes. While some suggest floaters are a result of more serious eye complications, the majority of cases are simply harmless. This article will provide general information about the harmless variety of eye floaters.

Eye floaters are created from within our own visual architecture. However, they can sometimes be difficult to identify from a medical point of view. For example, a doctor may have a hard time detecting them therefore, treatments (including surgical) are generally applied at the patient’s request as opposed to the doctor’s determination.

The severity of eye floaters among individuals is going to vary, as you’d expect. Some people don’t really notice their eye floaters unless they are consciously trying to locate them while others may suffer from the annoyance of eye floaters every single day.

If you are affected by eye floaters and are seriously concerned, feel free to pay your doctor a visit as it may help calm your nerves. Many people find them annoying, especially when trying to look at it and it seems to “run” away making it almost impossible to “see” them.

Eye floaters can affect people of all ages, race, ethnicity, etc. and are relatively common. While the majority of folks will find eye floaters annoying, they aren’t really considered a serious medical condition. But again, if you’re really worried, it doesn’t hurt to visit your doctor. While the majority of eye floaters are considered harmless, they can sometimes indicate more serious underlying issues.

Natural Treatment For Eye Floaters

Eye floaters are the name given to the tiny specs that float across the eye and interfere with vision. It is thought that this condition usually comes about with old age but eye floaters can be present in people of all ages. Floaters are tiny little particles of protein that float across the vitreous humor and can be caused the actual vitreous humor becomes detached from the retina.

Common treatments are often in the form of eye drops but how effective they are can vary from person to person. Natural treatments are now becoming a popular option and most of these can be done at by the individual at no cost whatsoever. Such natural treatments for eye floaters include relaxing the eyes. Various exercises consist of rolling the eyes in circular movements, covering the eyes with the palms of the hands, focusing hard on certain objects and massage.

It is thought that regular exercise of the eyes, if performed daily, can have great results and dramatically reduce eye floaters. It is estimated that floaters can actually disappear within a couple of weeks but again this will vary from person to person.

Other natural treatments used to treat eye floaters consist of herbal remedies, namely herbal eye drops and solutions which can ease and reduce the appearance of floaters. But it is regular exercise of the eyes that has the most effective results. Once treated it is recommended that the various eye exercise techniques are continued in order to prevent the reoccurrence of floaters.

Eye Floater Remedies

Eye Floaters In Your VisionAre you suffering from eye floaters? Maybe you aren’t suffering but are quite annoyed by the fact you can see floating objects in your field of vision. Eye floaters tend to affect millions of people so you’re not alone. They are generally more visible in brightly lit conditions and for some people, can make basic tasks like driving that much more of a challenge. People who say they experience eye floaters describe them as dots, cobwebs, organic, semi-transparent, from a few to dozens.

Many folks will simply ignore the fact they have eye floaters. Or, they’ll just accept it and not think much about it unless they become a real issue with their vision. But, when it comes to eye floaters, I’m sure the vast majority of folks would like to know if there are any remedies. If that’s you, please read on.

So, what are the options to get rid of floaters then? There really are only a few choices such as:

1) Ignore them – Since most cases of eye floaters are not considered a medical emergency, doctors most likely will tell you to simply tolerate the annoyance. Our eyes are quite clever and eventually the brain does tend to ignore the presence of eye floaters so they can “disappear” so to speak simply by choosing not to pay them much attention.

2) Surgery – The 2 types of surgery here would be either a virectomy or laser surgery. Through laser surgery, you can “burn” each floater with an opthalmic laser but, this is a very specialized routine and it may be difficult to find a qualified specialist to perform this procedure.

3) Improving Your Health – The more natural way to remedy your eye floaters may involve simply taking better care of your health. By eating foods rich in Vitamin C among other herbs and vitamins may have a positiive impact on your eye floater condition. Taking in more anti-oxidants such as Lutein can also help repair the eyes.